For those of you out there that need a quick picker-upper, check out this site. Click on the Demotivators (By name) tab in the upper left corner and enjoy. It's hilarious and will bring a smile to your face. You can order posters from a long list of titles like "Burnout", "Defeat", "Fear", "Failure" and others that will lift your spirits get you out of the duldrums. Here's a couple...
Blame: The secret to success is knowing who to blame for your failures.
Challenges: I expected times like this - but I never thought they'd be so bad, so long, and so frequent.
I've added a "Despair" link to my Good Links section on the right, for future reference should you forget. And remember, the days are getting longer and the first ICUP race is only 60 days away.
6 years ago