Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm not so sure the high price of gas is a result of the oil companies, as this symbol implies, but the artwork is right on. Ouch!!!

1 comment:

Grizzly Adam said...

Gas prices are the result of a simple economic principle.

Supply and demand.

The easiest way for prices to go down would be for a massive amount of people to stop buying it. As long as people are willing to fork out $4 a gallon or more, the prices will rise.

They are rising quickly these days because the worldwide demand has gotten bigger and bigger, with India and China using more and more than they ever have. In the US average prices are still much lower than the rest of the world.

But it sure does feel like getting the shaft as you watch the dial speed upward and upward...

That artwork is pretty spot on for how you feel while filling up for sure!